Ploughshares is an American literary journal established in 1971 by DeWitt Henry and Peter O'Malley in The Plough and Stars, an Irish pub in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Since 1989, Ploughshares has been based at Emerson College in Boston. Ploughshares publishes issues four times a year, two of which are guest-edited by a prominent writer who explores personal visions, aesthetics, and literary circles. Guest editors have been the recipients of Nobel and Pulitzer prizes, National Book Awards, MacArthur and Guggenheim fellowships, and numerous other honors. Ploughshares also publishes longform stories and essays, known as Ploughshares Solos (collected in the journal's fall issue and published separately as e-books), all of which are edited by the editor-in-chief, Ladette Randolph, and a literary blog, launched in 2009, which publishes critical and personal essays, interviews, and book reviews. Less
Indexed in the following public directories
- Web of Science
- Scopus
- 出版语言English
- 出版频率Tri-annual
- 出版语言English
- 出版频率Tri-annual
- 创刊年份1971
- Publisher URL
- 网址
Ploughshares 是从何时开始发行的?
Ploughshares 自1971开始发行至今。
Ploughshares 多久发行一次?
Ploughshares 为Tri-annual。
Ploughshares 的出版商是谁?
Ploughshares 的出版商是PLOUGHSHARES INC。
我在哪里查看 Ploughshares 的宗旨和范围?
查看 Ploughshares 的宗旨和范围,请点击此处。
我如何在意得辑上查看Ploughshares 的指标?
查看 Ploughshares 的指标,请单击此处。
Ploughshares 的 eISSN和pISSN 号分别是什么?
2162-0903 的 eISSN 为 0048-4474,pISSN 为 Ploughshares 。
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