问题: 审稿人说我没有根据建议修改,但我明明已经改了,该怎么办?

我收到编辑的邮件,邮件里面有审稿人的话:I regret to inform you that the authors failed to address the points I raised in my previous review of this manuscript; in this case, any further comments on this manuscript is pointless. 于是我回信询问哪里没有修改,因为我已经照审稿人的要求修改了论文内容,审稿人说作者没有更新参考文献清单,但我加了 3 个文献来支持较旧的文献。 审稿人原来的意见是这样的:The references list needs to be updated. There are old references (1980s – 1990s) that can be replaced with more recent ones. Please see below a number of suggested recent papers that can replace old references. If the authors are not willing to omit old references at least can use them together with more recent ones. 在我加了 3 个文献后,审稿人是这么说的:Unfortunately, the authors failed to update the reference list, and failed to respond to these comments. There are no changes on the manuscript. Authors should address any comments given by reviewers, in a point-to-point response; even if they do not want to consider the comments or suggestions from reviewers they must address their reasons for not considering these comments and suggestions. Given that there are no changes on the manuscript, and there is no point-to-point response from the authors, this review is pointless. Thank you for given me the opportunity to review this manuscript, I leave the final decision to you, since there is no response from the authors. 请告诉我该怎么办?第一个审稿人的意见非常好,他建议直接接受。 抱歉我的说明有点长。
1 人回答这个问题


所以,如果你已经加了 3 个文献,那么你可以这么回复:

Reviewer 1

Comment [意见编号]: The references list needs to be updated. There are old references (1980s–1990s) that can be replaced with more recent ones. Please see below a number of suggested recent papers that can replace old references. If the authors are not willing to omit old references at least can use them together with more recent ones

Response: I agree with the reviewer's suggestion that more recent references need to be added. I have therefore added 3 new references [列出你新加的文献] in the reference list [页码,文献编号] and have cited these sources on the following pages [加上页码].





