问题: 期刊编辑因为找不到审稿人而拒稿,这样对吗?

嗨,我说一下我的论文投稿状况。我是在 6 月 27 号投稿的,然后在 7 月 12 日收到大修的结果。编辑发来的信里面没有审稿人的意见,只有编辑提出的意见,我想确定自己没有漏掉任何信息,同时对编辑的意见也有一些问题,所以我给期刊写信了。两天后我收到回信,期刊要我再等两天,他们已经通知编辑我提出的问题。接着在 7 月 24 日星期一,我收到邮件说我的论文被拒了,下面是邮件的部分内容: I am sorry to inform you that despite much effort we have been unable to obtain appropriate referees for your manuscript in a timely manner. Because we believe it is unfair to hold on to the manuscript for too long we hand it back to you and we are closing your file, so that you may submit it elsewhere. We wish you all the best in finding an alternative venue for your research. We did obtain one reviewer report on your manuscript. While we do not feel able to make a decision on whether your manuscript is publishable based on this single report, we do paste the referee’s comments below in the hope that they will be of use when submitting your manuscript elsewhere. I am aware we issued a decision for major revisions earlier. As you have noticed, that decision email did not contain a reviewer report which was an oversight on our part and we would like to sincerely apologize for that. After we issued the wrong decision to you, we have invited additional reviewers in the hope we would be able to provide you with a report. Unfortunately, our efforts were unsuccessful and we have exhausted our reviewer pool. At this point, we can only hand the manuscript back to you and I sincerely hope you will quickly find another journal for your manuscript. 我的问题是:如果期刊认为“Overall, the data in this manuscript are useful and interesting, but major revisions will be needed before it should be considered for publication.”但却把论文给拒了,这样对吗?没有审稿人,没有提供审稿报告是他们的错吧?我有种感觉,如果我当初没有开口,乖乖的改好论文投回去,说不定就接受了。有人遇到跟我一样的情况吗?我该怎么办?谢谢!
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