问题: 主编要我引用跟我的研究无关的文章,该怎么做?

1 人回答这个问题



如果在跟主编互动的过程当中,你感受到主编坚持你要引用,或是暗示你如果不引用有可能会拒掉稿件,你可以请导师或是 PI 介入沟通。请你的导师或是 PI 替你发邮件给编辑,邮件开头先介绍导师是知名学者,接着用以下内容:

“I have provided academic counsel and supervision to my young colleague, _________, regarding this manuscript and especially the Review of Literature. As a scholar in my own right, one who has some significant experience of this field, I found it particularly interesting to review the list of recommended references which you drew to my young colleague's attention. I have advised him/her to incorporate one/two of them (identify which one/ones) since I believe that source has some relevance, albeit tangential, to the foundational literature both for the subject area as well as for the specific paper that was submitted to your journal. The inclusion of citations supportive of hypotheses is never truly straightforward; however, I think in this case I can support and have recommended the inclusion of one of your recommendations for this submission.

Thank you for drawing our attention to the broad literature base within your journal. I trust that you will understand, upon reflection, why I am recommending the inclusion of one/two but not all of those references.

I look forward, along with my young colleague, to learning your disposition regarding acceptance of this manuscript.”


